Sunday, April 13, 2008

Review: Southampton Double White

One of the most common clichés you’ll hear from beer writers is “Oh, the things I do for my readers . . . “

In this case, it’s going to involve drinking good Belgian Whites.

I decided that since I am enjoying the Long Trail Belgian White so much, that I oughta do fresh tastings on the other top-end Belgian Whites, including Hoegaarden, Allagash White, Sam Adams White and Southampton Double White Ale, which is rated No. 1 among Belgian Whites on .

I was fortunate enough to stop for beer on the way home from a weekend trip and picked up a bomber of the Southampton Double White Ale, which is described as “ale brewed with spices.”

It’s a really good beer, as would be expected. Thin white head and has the hazy yellow/golden color of the style. The lemon stands out in the nose when you sniff it.

It’s clearly not as sweet as the Long Trail and has more lemon and pepper notes. Some folks get the taste of orange, but I don’t. This beer sits for a long time on the roof of your mouth. Very drinkable.

Yes, it’s something I will drink again. It’s an excellent beer, but at this point, it’s my second-favorite Belgian White of the year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved your blog. Thank you.